2. Literatur#


Pete Chapman, Julian Clinton, Randy Kerber, Thomas Khabaza, Thomas Reinartz, Colin Shearer, and Rüdiger Wirth. Crisp-dm 1.0 step-by-step data mining guides. 2000.


Kenneth Jensen. Abbildung von wikipedia. https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:CRISP-DM_Process_Diagram.png, 2012.


Goku Mohandas. Made with ml. https://madewithml.com/, 2021.


Rachel Thomas and David Uminsky. The problem with metrics is a fundamental problem for AI. CoRR, 2020. URL: https://arxiv.org/abs/2002.08512, arXiv:2002.08512.


Alice Zheng and Amanda Casari. Feature Engineering for Machine Learning. O'Reilly Media, 2018.